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The connection of experience with reflection and the benefits of retrospective

2022-09-01 15:56
Only reflected experience becomes useful life experience. If, after gaining experience, we stop and comprehend it, draw conclusions, analyze and project it onto other situations, then this is a valuable life experience. And if the whole experience consists of an endless walk along the scattered rakes, then there is little benefit from it and a lot of pain.
Reflection can be a controlled process (internal and individual, team and managed, systematized or free from any restrictions).
Reflection is exactly as useful as goal-setting – they help to follow a clear course with a minimum of losses.

What happens in practice?
A person analyzes, draws conclusions, but does not apply the gained experience and uses the usual patterns of behavior.
If we are talking about an private life, then there is no development and movement forward, but such an approach in a team is much more dangerous! When a team sees that someone pretends to take note of everything, but does not change his/her behavior, then at first a wave of hidden aggression is born, and then the team expels the one who does not accept the rules of the game.

A RETROSPECTIVE can help in resolving such internal contradictions! This approach is often used for quarterly/annual summaries, but I love this format on a weekly basis. For example, at the end of the week, the team sits down at the table and discusses openly what worked and what didn't and why? It is important that the team has trust in each other and the desire to come to a common result. If this is the case, then from week to week the dialogue develops more and more easily, and internal interpersonal contradictions go away.

When I do a retrospective with the teams on a regular basis, I try to rotate the instruments:
⁃ Ordinary stickers
⁃ Virtual whiteboards
⁃ Lego
⁃ Metaphorical cards
⁃ Games

This approach allows each participant to act beyond stereotypes.