The second metaphor is a frog from a parable that got into a jug of milk, but wanted to get out so badly that it whipped the butter with its paws and jumped out.
And I am the entrepreneur who is most suited to the figure of another frog – the traveler frog. In a rare year I make less than 60 flights, and such a life must also be loved.
Even entrepreneurs at certain turns of life can be strangled by a TOAD! A toad that does not allow you to spend money on your education and development, on material incentives for employees.
Sometimes it seems to me that somewhere in the depths of their souls, entrepreneurs, like those frog princesses, are waiting for an arrow / kiss / good messenger to arrive with a good order or a project that will feed them all their lives.
But much more often an entrepreneur becomes a frog of a species rare in our latitudes – Common Surinam toad that feeds and rolls children on its back all ist life, bears and releases...
And now it seems that we are those frogs that fell into a cauldron with cold water, but then it began to boil, and the frogs did not notice how they were cooked...
I am regularly asked – “How to become an entrepreneur? How do I know when it’s time for me to leave my office job and go freelance?”
I am convinced that it is not necessary to persuade yourself to become an entrepreneur. And everything will happen when you simply cannot help but become one ... In this case, you begin to act to close your own need and soothe this “itch”.
I started on the path of entrepreneurship over 30 years ago, but even after 20 years of running my own business, I sometimes envy those who do not hang over the sword of Damocles of criminal liability, dependence on employees and customers, who can plan a vacation and go on it, who believes that the bonus will “arrive” at the end of the year, who knows that there is a career ladder in his life and you can go it up...
My entrepreneurial path is the Valley of the Unknown, the right to count on freedom and adventure at every turn, which keeps me always in good shape and it's never boring. Only I don’t know the fairy tale about such a frog...